The white paper, China and the World in the New Era, released on Sept 27 describes how throughout its rapid economic development, China has interacted with the rest of world and proves that China's development is a boon to the regional as well as global economies.[More]
The People's Liberation Army resolutely opposes the United States' recent actions and rhetoric that distort China's strategic intent, undermine its sovereignty and hype the so-called Chinese threat, Senior Colonel Ren Guoqiang, spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, said on Thursday.[More]
Political and economic ties lead to mutual progress, while exchanges in art and culture link people's hearts, said Chinese Culture and Art Association Chairman Zhou Yanzhao, speaking following the commencement of a two month Chinese-Filipino art and culture exchange.[More]
Beijing urged Washington on Wednesday to not interfere in the Solomon Islands' domestic affairs and respect its right to make its own decisions.[More]
Suppose a country sends its warships with guided missiles regularly to the waters off Hawaii, conducts navy drills in the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea targeting "hostile" forces, and test-fires conventional medium-range missiles in the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean near the US coast within just a few months, what would be the United States' response?[More]