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Map of the Philippine Islands Prepared in 1906 by the American Casper Hodgson

Updated : 2017-03-17 Large Medium Small Print

Map of the Philippine Islands was prepared in 1906 by Caspar W. Hodgson the American according to the Treaty of Paris. The most critical evidence in the map is the horizontal line composed of dots and dashes along the 118° longitude line. Annotated as "PARIS TREATY LINE", it concurs with the line established in Treaty of Paris, which is the western boundary of the Philippines according to the treaty. Scarborough Shoal (now Huangyan Dao) lies beyond the line, indicating that the initial naming of Huangyan Dao by the British in the 18th century was restored and the Spanish name of the 19th century was abolished. This shows that Huangyan Dao does not belong to the Philippines.


Map of the Philippine Islands

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